the THIRD Annual Margaretpalooza


Monday, September 26, 2011

You made it!

This past weekend was your first road trip, we went to Troy to visit Hunkle Mike and Miss Aunt Casey.

You spent most of the trip there asleep. However, you were less than pleasant once you woke up. You kept kicking your legs and yelling "all done." We still had about 45m left on our trip and we tried our best to distract you, but it didn't work. When we got to the hotel you ran around the parking lot in the rain with me. After daddy got us checked in you ran around the room and bounced from bed to bed.

You got to see horses up close and personal for the first time and you got to show them how to REEEALLY explore the CMOST. You didn't seem to hang on to any of the fantastic information about science and technology- but you did enjoy the fish in the river habitat. There were a LOT of buttons for you to push; they made things light up and move, some of them even made noise! We got you a lizard while we were at the CMOST, you kept coming back to the gift shop and taking him in to the different exhibits. I figured it was going to be an easier day for everyone if we let the fella come with us.

I wouldn't call the trip a complete success but I wouldn't quite call it a failure. I know that it'll be a bit before we try another road trip with you, but at least we got one under our belts for now- and we know that it can in fact be done.

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