the THIRD Annual Margaretpalooza


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Three Months

You are turning into quite the little stinker dear! You are developing strong opinions and you are making them known. Today was your first Thanksgiving. You slept for most of yesterday and quite a bit of today. I was hoping that that meant your dad and I could sit and have dinner together- something that never happens any more. The increase in sleep also makes me nervous because it can mean a growth spurt or you're getting sick again. If I get to choose, I'd like the spurt please!

You slept through the sweet potato boiling, the butter melting, the potato mashing, the stuffing stirring and the turkey carving. But as soon as we started putting things on the table- you woke up. We put you in the highchair and pulled it up to the table between our two chairs so you could see both of us. You were still groggy enough that you didn't notice you weren't being held for long enough for us to finish dinner.
I'm not sure how you feel about Thanksgiving since you spit up all over your Thanksgiving shirt and had to be changed before 2:00PM. Next year should be better for you though, you'll get real turkey and mashed potatoes!
We don't know your exact stats at 3mos because the next time you see the pediatrician is next month. But we do know that you were 15lbs15oz at your sick visit on the 11/15. So it's safe to say you're over 16lbs now.

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