the THIRD Annual Margaretpalooza


Friday, July 6, 2012

You're going to give me a heart attack, or kill yourself, NBD

You must have some labrador or terrier in you because you're chewing EVERYTHING.

I'm not sure how many crayons you've eaten in the last week, let alone your entire LIFE. You keep putting toys, books and body parts in your mouth. It's vexing my mommy brain so.

Today, you decided that there was something you needed to taste before the day was done: teal. The marker, the color, the ESSENCE. You've put the tips of markers in your mouth before, so that wasn't surprising. What was surprising was the marker coming out of your mouth, without a tip.

There you sat, happily chewing away on the tip of the teal Crayola Pip Squeak. I must admit I was so shocked that it took me a minute to realize I should yank whatever I could out of your mouth.

I don't know why we're back to chewing on most things and licking everything else, but it would be the highlight of my year if you could stop.

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